Big Purple Marching Band Research Paper

Words: 1020
Pages: 5

I have always strived to help others in every possible way that I can. Whether it be helping someone with a personal issue or helping them with music, I aim to be a reliable person that they can count on. This is the main reason why I value teaching so much. I want to become a music educator to help everyone grow in their abilities, but also in their personal lives. Music is such a rewarding craft and I want to share it and help others fall in love with it as I have. I believe that by becoming the Big Purple Marching Bands Drum Major I could help the band reach their goals of becoming better musicians, and even better people. Leading is something I am very confident in. I have led the Rancho Mirage High School Marching Band to grow and become the amazing music program it is …show more content…
I dealt with a director that did not educate us well, an inability to play the initial instrument that I desired, and no support on the instrument that I ended up with. It was dreadful and the only reason I stayed was because of the music and not because of the community. This idea all changed when I went to high school. I joined the Marching Band that year and was exposed to the team building and coordination that we all had with one another. It made me fall in love with the band all over again because I felt wanted. I didn’t feel like I was a cog in the machine, but rather a piece of the puzzle. Someone that was unique yet added to the completion of the art. I have learned how to make others feel wanted and lead people through the hard times of life, as well as the hard times in their music. I know I can help as Drum Major by uplifting others beyond comprehension. During this past season of the Big Purple Marching band, I felt the leadership did a phenomenal job at creating a welcoming experience. People within the leadership went out of their way to talk to me and make me feel wanted, which I admired a