He was fatter than an elephant. Some would say he could probably fit a whole cow in his mouth, he was that big. And when he walked, the ground went BOOM, BOOM, BOOM! It was like a mini earthquake when he was around. People started to call him Big Bertha. Bill was so upset that he would eat more and more. And when he was feasting on a Tuesday afternoon, a man walked up to him, slapped him on the heinie, and went “Moo cow, MOOOOOOO!” Bill’s face became redder than a tomato and then some. He picked the man up, and tossed him in the air, and the man was never seen again. From that point on, whenever he got angry, he started throwing and eating whatever made him angry. Bill grew bigger and bigger, and by the time his body reached the max capacity, he was as tall as a mountain. Some compared him to the scourge of the world, the God of Diabetus. And they named him accordingly. Bill was now known as Biggus Berthacus, son of the God of Diabetus, and widely known as Olympus. Biggus Berthacus ate and ate, the entirety of California was becoming more and more empty. So people searched for a hero. One that was fearless enough to face the