As if our mind has not been blown away yet, Bryson explains how the FS has “the second highest number of road engineers of any government institution on the planet” (Bryson 47). This is massive information that majority of the people have never heard of and viewed the FS as an organization that saves trees. Bryson is providing vast amount of awareness about the truth of such organizations. He then proceeds to inform the audience how the main purpose of such roads is “to allow private timber companies to get to previously inaccessible stands of trees” and they are able to get away with this all this takes place deep in forest where people don’t see nor hear about it (Bryson 47). According to Bryson, the FS has, “150 of loggable land, about two-thirds is held in store for future” (Bryson 47). If it was not for Bryson, many people would carry with their days without doubting the FS. It is due to moralistic reason why Bryson feels the need and takes responsibility to bring awareness and share the truth with the