Pd. 2
10. Launching the new ship of state, 1789-1800
Bill of Rights first 10 amendments in the constitution.
George Washington 1st president of the United States.
Cabinet a group of advisers for the president based on leaders of executive departments in the government.
Census of 1790 an official count of population.
Washington’s farewell address in September 1796, George Washington gives his “farewell address resigning from presidency” John Adams second president. Vice president during Washington’s 4year term.
Thomas Jefferson 3rd president of the United States. Spokesman for de9mocracy and rights of man.
Alexander Hamilton one of the founding fathers of the United States. One of the most influential interpreters of the constitution.
Bank of the United States (1791) Hamilton “a loose constitutionalist”, believed in the elastic cause; stretch = good. Convinced the congress to open a National bank in 1791 with a 20-year charter.
Whiskey Rebellion riots in 1794. A resistance movement during George Washington’s presidency in the western part of the United States.
Neutrality undecided or incapable to take sides. Undecided view/ perspective
Jay’s treaty also called “the treaty of London of 1794” and “the British treaty”; a treaty between the U.S. and G.B. deciding to prevent war.
Pinckney’s Treaty also known as “Treaty of San Lorenzo” or “Treaty of Madrid”, was a treaty for intentions of friendship between the U.S. and Spain.-1795