Billfish Research Paper

Words: 398
Pages: 2

A billfish is a large, fast-swimming fish of open seas, with a streamlined body and a long pointed snout. It occurs on the surface in warmer waters and is a popular sporting fish. Sailfish are found in both the Atlantic Ocean and the Indo-Pacific Oceans. Scientists used to class them as two separate species (Indo-Pacific Istiophorus platypterus; Atlantic – Istiophorus abbicans). Billfish is the family of Istiophoridae which is consists of three genera and several species, including the marlins, sailfish, and spearfish (Oxford Dictionaries). According to The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), the black marlin usually found in the Pacific oceans and Indian oceans. There are actually two subspecies of blue …show more content…
The conservation of billfish will remain the species exist in the future. . Conservation is the usage, improvement, and protection of human and natural resources in a wise manner, ensuring derivation of their highest economic and social benefits on a continuing or long-term basis. Conservation is achieved through alternative technologies, recycling and reduction in waste and spoilage, and implies consumption of the conserved resources (Business Dictionary). Billfish conservation is already have the act to conserve them with namely Billfish Conservation Act. This act was signed into law on Oct 5, 2012. According to NOOA Fisheries about Billfish Conservation Act, Section 4(a) prohibits any person from offering billfish or billfish products for sale, selling them, or having custody, control, or possession of them for purposes of offering them for sale. The role of Billfish Conservation Act (BCA) are the BCA was intended as a mechanism to conserve imperiled billfish and do not replace foreign origin billfish in the mainland US with fish caught under the domestic exemption, allowing billfish harvested in Hawaii to be shipped and sold to the mainland US, where imports are prohibited, would violate international trade law, sale of Hawaii-caught billfish in the US mainland would necessitate a new and complex layer of monitoring and enforcement and facilitate a black market for illegal