Bindi Research Paper

Words: 817
Pages: 4

Wearing a Bindi VS. Kendall & Kylie Jenner wearing them
Wearing a Bindi in a sense of fashion is not a cultural appropriation, but a cultural symbol for many South Asian women. The Bindi is a symbol of a woman’s marital status not just a bejeweled dot on her forehead to wear to Coachella. There also other meanings toward the Bindi, it also symbolizes the third eye or “ajna chakra” along with religious meanings.

Dressing in Drag VS. Feminism
The word drag is an acronym that means, “dress resembling a girl”. It normally depends on the drag queen herself, but most say that drag is another form of Art. Most feminist are offended by the act of feminine traits being exaggerated and then being able to take it all off at the end of the day after they believe is ridiculing women,

Wearing hair in dreadlocks VS. People doing it as fashion statement
History goes back to tell people about how Rastafarians wore their hair in dreadlocks for religious purposes. For Example, Bob Marley, he had the best dreadlocks there was and in his songs he sang about the Rastafarian religion. “The energy remains with the hair and the body, keeping a person more strong and healthy” by both Eastern and Western traditions. Although, people today aren’t getting dreads because of the religious purposes, but because the hairstyle is is trending and looks
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Although, others have said that it could have been a form of punishment to women that were prostitutes. Others say that they dotted them or made shapes like diamonds in order to help with their pregnancy. They used a “sharp point in a wooden handle” with “flattened needles”. Although there are many forms of tattooing like for instance some Natives use tattooing to mark their adulthood such as tattooing of the face. Although, now tattoos are much more of a fashion sense or even how people express their interests,