For the most part, you can identify if someone has a problem if they constantly disappear after eating to go to the bathroom. (Bulimia par. 2). To identify bulimia, “a two-part pattern of binge eating and purging that happens over and over again.” (Wolhart 6). The first part is binge eating and the second part of bulimia is the purging, “which may take the form of vomiting, using overdoses of laxatives and diuretics (drugs that remove water from the body), or fasting.” (Wolhart 7). When they throw up, acid coats the throat and “over the course of weeks and months, these acids can cause a sore throat, eat away the enamel of the teeth, and make mouth and jaw swell.” (Nardo 38). Why does bulimics do this to themselves? Many believe that binging and purging gives them a sense of relief from all of their anxieties. (Wolhart 26). Since they do their binges in private, it takes someone years to find out about what the bulimic does to their bodies. They bulimics know their “eating behavior is out of control and they are ashamed of it, most bulimics do not admit their problems to others” because they are guilty for causing their friends or family pain for going through with