Bio Psychosocial Spiritual Assessment

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Pages: 7


Bio psychosocial Spiritual Assessment
??? Student?s Name
??? Name of Institution

Bio psychosocial Spiritual Assessment
Lucy Patricia?s situation and predicaments can be explained by the psychodynamic theory concepts which explains that our feelings, emotions and decisions are influenced by out past experiences. The ego which mediates between the id and the super ego gives her the strength to face the demands of the reality situation she is facing. According to Kathleen (2007), the psychodynamic theory is a personality theory that was proposed by Sigmund Feud in the early 20th century. It includes
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Although they occur in the childhood phase, they remain dominating in the unconscious mind and they influence the way an individual behaves as an adult. Therefore our feelings, our motives and our decisions are powerfully influenced by what we have experienced in the past and stored in our unconscious mind. According to Jacob (2017), the unconscious mind is like an iceberg, the most important part we cannot see. Lucy had grown up as a girl with strong Christian which influenced the way she raised her …show more content…
The id because its pleasure seeking ,it can advise her to steal so as to survive and have the immediate gratification she seeks but the superego dominates with the use of morals and the church teachings she received which controls behavior and let her advise her children not to steal. The ego then matches her situation with reality and advised her that she needs to work so as to maintain a living or go to the refugee center .Now that the ego has matched her desires with reality ,she takes actions so as to solve her problems. Visiting the agent is one of the actions that have been influenced by the ego and the environmental factors around her .These environmental factors include her living conditions which are now affecting her