Birth Control Over Counter Research Paper

Words: 774
Pages: 4

Birth control pills are used by millions of women around the world as a contraceptive. To obtain these pills, one must go to a clinic or see a doctor to get a prescription. However, a highly debated question arises, if birth control pills should be available to teenage girls over the counter? With the recent studies of the effects of the birth control pill and the general knowledge of adolescents, the birth control pill should not be sold over the counter to them. Still, others believe that it would benefit teenage girls because they would be more comfortable getting it over the counter instead of asking their parents for permission. However, just because it’s easier to buy doesn’t mean it’s the safest thing to buy because of the side effects it can cause. There are several types of birth control and each come with their own side effects. There …show more content…
Currently, birth control methods that are approved by the Federal Drug Administration are paid for by the Affordable Care Act without a copay. This means as long as a female has a prescription; her birth control is paid for. Nevertheless, if the pill becomes more convenient to acquire then it will most likely not be paid for by insurance companies (Gueren Web). With it being over the counter, the responsibility of the payment would fall on the individual causing some women to not be able to afford it or taking it inconsistently. In a survey done by Planned Parenthood, more the half of 18 to 34 year olds had financial issues paying for their birth control (Gueren Web). What would this mean for teenage girls under 18 years of age? Regardless, some people will argue that the type of pill that would be readily available would be one of the cheapest. But, that would also mean it is the least effective for the prevention of pregnancy. All in all, the overall expense of over the counter birth control may outweigh the