Journal Essays: Theater For Community, Conflict And Dialogue

Submitted By hongtrieu1993
Words: 5306
Pages: 22

Trieu Dang
BIS 322

Theater for community, conflict and dialogue:

There are two lines of same number of people standing opposite each other.
Count off from 1 to the end. Put the bottle in the middle.
Explain they are standing on the edge on the plate.
If one person gets called, one person from another line also has to get in.
Two people have to balance the bottle in the middle of the plate.
Everyone keeps going inside.

Zip Zap Zop
Everyone makes a circle. One person starts with saying Zip, and make the hand signal to point to the next person in the circle.
The next person will do same thing with saying Zap and choose another person.
The game keeps continuing.
If there is one person who is confused, he/she will get out of the circle.

Image Alive
Make a circle. One person gets in the circle and starts doing one activity and freeze.
Other person from outside joins inside, do one activity that related to the first person. The first person get out, and other person will join.
The game continues like that.

One person from the circle begins doing one activity; imagine that activity is taken in one specific location.
People from the circle, who can guess what location is, can join inside the circle.
To reduce the crowded inside, we can limit only 5 people in the circle and different location from other person will start.

Value Clarification:
The leader will stand in the middle of the circle.
He/She will put down signs in different areas that say Agree, Unsure, and Disagree.
Leader says a statement.
People will move to the sign based on their thoughts.
Leader will ask the reasons why they chose that thoughts.
Then, the leader can say different statement after that.
Relationship Wheels:
The game will begin in silence. Everyone picks his or her own partner.
There will be person A and B.
The leader will call out the relationship and an activity (doctor/patience).
The pair will act in silence. Until the leader says “Speech”, the pair will have to speak to each other. Then, the leader will call out different activity.

There will be person A and B.
The leader says “You are inside some space together”, “A” you want to leave. “B” you want to stay “Go”.

Same as Exit.
There will be A, and B.
Leader will say “A”. You are in space.
“B” you want to come in.
“A” you don’t want them to “Go”.

Game For Actors and Non - Actor:

Feeling what we touch:
1st Series: General Exercises

Musical chair:
Divide the class to groups. Each group has five people.
Each group will get four chairs and put the chair facing outward in center of a circle.
The workshop leader will play a musical tape.
From the time the workshop leader shouts, “ Stop”, all the actors must try to get a seat, and one person is left without a chair.
The person who is caught out remove another chair and the game start again. So on till there is only one person left.

A balloon is an extension of the body
Divide classroom into two groups
The workshop leader throws an amount of many balloons as he wants to the air.
The leader wafts the balloons toward two groups of actors
The actors have to use any part of body to keep the balloons up on the air
After an amount of time. Which groups has more balloon on air wins the game

Racing on chairs
Form a group of an amount of 5 actors
Form a line of chairs which has an amount of 6 chairs
All the actors stand on the chair line and start moving along the line.
The last chair will be an empty one eventually
The last person in the group picks the empty chair then passes along to the first person. So there always is a step forward
And keep moving

2nd Series: Walk
Slow motion
The winner is the last person home.
Once the race has begun, the actors must never stop moving and every movement should be executed as slowly as possible.
Each person should take the largest step forward she is capable of, on every stride.
When one foot is being moved in front of the other one, it must pass above knee-level. In