Bismarck's Proposals During The Civil War

Words: 450
Pages: 2

In his peech, Lincoln ties his policies to the past by mentioning the early founding of the country based on freedom and equality for all. And now many have died in a civil war for the cause of these foundamental values, Lincohn thinks that his own country will have new freedom and a government devoted to the whole nation under the protection of God.

In order to assert federal federal power and continue the conflict with the federal forces, Lincoln argues that rather than dedicated the place where the soldiers have died, which is in fact already consecrated by the sacrifice of their lives, it is a most fitting time for all people to "be dedicated here to the unfinished work, " to which the soldiers were unmeasurably dedicated themselves, that is a " new birth of freedom" and equality for the nation. By a increasing of their devotion for the cause of freedom and equality in this country, people would show that the soldiers did "not died in vain
Bismarck thinks that freedom should not be “at all limited and not in contradiction with itself.” Therefore, his “proposal intends a freedom in the organization, but by making the execution obligatory.” However, in Bismarck’s experience, freedom in the German Empire is synonym to domination. For people feel free when they can dominate others. Freedom is understood as “only for oneself
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The self-defense of this large class of citizens and the redress of that which causes the dissatisfaction of this class go against the basic interest of social democrats whose mission is to lead, rule, and dominate, and they see this large dissatisfied group as prerequisite to the accomplishment of this mission. For Bismarck’s vision of the role of the government is to serve and protect people rather than dominate