Black Friday Research Paper

Words: 605
Pages: 3

Friday is the New Black
Already, Christmas spirit is in the air. It is heard through singing radio speakers, smelt in themed cookies and candles, felt in the increasingly crisp temperatures, and best of all, seen in the seemingly endless slew of commercials communicating seasonal sales. The 21st century take on “Happy Holidays” has been marred and mutated into a materialistic mania; in mainstream American society, it seems that the true merry spirit of season has been blackened by consumerism. Our beloved Santa frequently makes an appearance in modern advertisements, generously gifting toys, cars, and other prizes to lucky recipients; yet, one must be wary of all of these goodies being gifted to good boy and girls. While Santa is safe assembling
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It promotes flashy deals and discounts on goods and gifts, and attracts millions. According to 2014 statistics, 95.5 million shop on Black Friday, in addition to the 25.6 million who also get a head start and begin shopping on Thanksgiving Day ( But Black Friday isn’t dismally named for no reason; since 2008, there have been 11 deaths and 110 reported injuries in Walmarts, Kohl’s, and Malls across the United States. To reinforce these stunning statistics: that’s -s at least one death and fifteen reported serious injuries per year occurring in shootings, stabbings, trampedes, and pepper spray related brawls, all for sake the sake of good gifts and happy holidays ( And if all of this isn’t enough, don’t fret; Cyber Monday is the Monday following Thanksgiving and Black Friday, promoted as the annual opportunity for exceptional online deals and discounts. So now shoppers can nab deals from the safety of their homes rather than brave the crazed