Black Lives Matter Movement Analysis

Words: 1566
Pages: 7

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal"”(King, Martin Jr.) This was written in 1963, and now this group is still fighting for many of the same thing the Martin Luther wanted. They are fighting for the simple equality and equal justice for all black people in the community. The Black Lives Matter Movement has inspired many new ideas and overall progression for complete equality of the black community, but the way they go about this is what’s so controversial. The movement believes in the forward progression of the black community. They are very radical about how they do their protest and rallies, protesting the …show more content…
Some of the students at the schools were getting harassed, racially, right there at school and that needed to change. One of the girls reported that she had some racial phrases written on her dorm room door. The administration of Brown is trying their best to crack down on these racist because this should have been stopped fifty years ago with the “I have a Dream” speech. This protest was also very peaceful and just allowed the students to vent about their problems to others who have went through the same situations and also this protest caught the eye of not just administration, but the whole country. This was just another prime example of the peaceful protest done by the BLMM in order to get the equal rights that they …show more content…
They were marching down Washington D.C. because of the extreme police brutality that their brother and sisters had been experiencing. This is the exact case that the BLMM are protesting against right now. There are always people who don’t see eye to eye. Malcom X did not see was most of the other civil rights activist saw. He was very aggressive in his protest and the words he used in speeches. This is closely related to the members of the BLMM who want to take a more aggressive approach to racism and equality. They are very radical in the way they go about their protest and such, but can be very productive. This group is based on racism and prejudice. This concept of racism has been around all throughout history. The largest spike of racism has been in the last 500-1000 years in the Western side of the world