In document 4 Christians claim that they “know that whatever we suffer is the just reward for their sins.” However Muslims believe that “a Muslim should devoutly accept the divine act”. We can declare this as a difference because it shows how Christians believed that the plague was a punishment for their sins opposite from the idea of the plague being a blessing which came from the Muslims point of view. We can see more evidence in document 2 where we can see Mortality estimates for England and the Middle East. In Europe we can see “45% death rate for Parish priests and a 44% death rate for Monks and monasteries.” In the Middle East death rates did not include priests, monks, or monasteries. Most of the population in Europe was Christian and from the death rates we are able to conclude that because of religious practices they were more vulnerable or exposed to the plague unlike the Middle east population; mostly Muslim which brought them no death rates that could be related to religious