Black Plague: The Black Death

Words: 1778
Pages: 8

Emma Xing
H Eng. 2 Per. 6
14 October, 2014
Shrew Search
1.The Black Plague
The Black Plague first arrived to England in 1347 by ship. Nearly all of the sailors on the ship were dead and those who weren’t were sick. However, even before these sailors arrived there was word of this deadly disease. This plague would last five years. At first people believed, this was a punishment from God. However, after intensive praying, the plague only spread more. As a result, people believed that God had given up on them, leaving them to die. It was called the Black Death because there were black spots on the skin. Symptoms such as swelling of the skin, pus, chills, diarrhea, vomiting, and a fever were common
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He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden and was the third of eight children. His family wasn’t rich, but not poor either. He grew up away from the Although there isn’t a specific record of where he received his education, it is believed that he attended a grammar school in Stratford. The curriculum would have taught him Latin and Greek which both he knew. When he turned eighteen years old, he married Ann Hathaway, who was eight years his senior. Together they had four children. He first started as an actor in 1592. He eventually earned a place in Lord Chamberlain’s Company, which was considered the most prestigious acting group of that time. Two years after he started acting, he began to write plays. At first, they went by unnoticed, however soon his hard work paid off. Soon he started to earn money and even bought himself a house in Stratford. Shakespeare mainly wrote comedies and tragedies. These years were exciting because new discoveries were made and London was the center of it all. During when Queen Elizabeth ruled, he often had to perform in front of her. He became a master of tragedies and comedies. Near the end of his life, he began to write tragedies. In these books he would often kill the main character and show betrayal. These books had a large amount of plot twists. Many people believe that he wrote these tragedies because of the Black Death, which killed many people he knew. After writing so many plays, he went into retirement for about five years. He died in 1616 and left his belongings to his daughter and wife. Overall, Shakespeare was the most important author of all time. He could convey any emotion, whether it be love or sorrow. Word count: