The other instrument was most likely A tambourine which the rattlers would vary for which ceremony. During ceremonies, Men would usually wore antelope or mountain sheep skin while the women wore a long buffalo robe. The buffalo robe would be decorated with earth pigments and plant dyes. The tribe believed in spirts to be active and vital of everyday life. For the opposite they viewed illness as a visible presence of an evil spirt. The Blackfeet Indians spoke Algonquian dialect which is related to the languages of several Plains, Eastern, Woodlands and Great Lake region tribe’s languages. A women’s role in this tribe is very important. They would dry hide which was long and very hard work. They would also have to scrape and remove all fat and meat from the bison. After dying in the tribe, individuals would be traditionally dressed in ceremonial clothes. The faces of the dead would be painted and on top of all of that they would than wrap them in buffalo robes. The Blackfeet were also known for mastering several forms such as basket making and beading(