The trays were rinsed with the distilled water to avoid any contamination in the beginning of the lab. Trays were dried using paper towels. Trays were placed under the plane paper for the clear observation of the agglutination. Plane paper was also used to put the sticks to be used for the experiment. Two drops of synthetic blood sample # 2 were dropped in each well using the dropper vial. Trays were designed in such a way that each has a well for each of the antibodies (A, B, Rh). Two drops of synthetic anti-A was added to the well labelled A. Similarly, two drops of synthetic anti-B were added to the well labelled B and two drops of synthetic anti-Rh were added to the well labeled Rh. Using a different stick for each well, the synthetic blood and anti-serum drops were gently stirred for 30 seconds. Red stick was used for well A. Blue stick was used for well B and a yellow stick was used for well Rh (ABO-Rh Blood Typing with Synthetic Blood, 2003). Similar method was continued for the synthetic blood samples # 3, #6, and #7. The results were carefully