Many people view this strike as just, becuase of how poor the peasants were treated. “Rebellions don’t just happen. Something has to cause them. First there are grievances (complaints). These grievances have usually been ignored over so long a period of time that people have become impatient with the slow pace of change; they begin to feel that conditions are unbearable. These grievances are underlying causes, or the most important causes of rebellion. Second, there are the symptoms of trouble—events that occur because of a grievance. A symptom might be a demonstration, the formation of a protest group, the widespread reading of a revolutionary book, or a fight between opposing groups. Symptoms such as these add to the revolutionary feeling of the times. Sometimes events that can be considered symptoms create so much bad feeling that they can also be considered underlying causes.”.The working conditions was an imperative grievance of the peasants making it one of the underlying issues of the protests at Winter