February 25, 2013
Jason Palm
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a classification of learning objectives in education. It divides these objectives into three domains which are (a) cognitive, (b) affective, and (c) psychomotor. By focusing on these three domains, we can observe how nurses can use these domains to care for and help educate patients with chronic illnesses.
Bloom's Taxonomy of Education and its use in Nursing Education
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a classification of learning objectives in education that was developed by a committee of educators in the late 1940s to early 1950s. It shows us that lower level knowledge must be mastered …show more content…
In the next step, the patient must start to value the information they have received. The patient can then use all this valued information to organize and form new habits and make a plan for living with this chronic disease. After all these steps, the patient should be self reliant in living with his or her chronic disease. . Psychomotor The psychomotor domain includes things such as physical movement and coordination. The psychomotor domain has five categories that are (a) imitation, (b) manipulation, (c) precision, (d) articulation, and (e) naturalization. In the first psychomotor category a patient must use his or her senses to learn a new behavior or skill. Nurses can use demonstration to help patients in this step. The next step the patient should be able to follow our directions to perform this new behavior or skill without our supervision. In the third category, the patient should be able to perform this new behavior or skill appropriately all the time. When the patient reaches the last two categories of the psychomotor domain, he or she should be able to modify his or her skills if needed and these skills or behaviors should now seem routine. The patient should be able to perform this skill or behavior without much contemplation. A basic understanding of Bloom’s domains can help a nurse to recognize where the patient is in regard to