Blue Ocean Strategy Syllabus

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Pages: 5

Alliant International University
School of Management

Course Description and Syllabus
BUS 9984: Supervised Teaching I
Topic: Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS)

Course Website: (Moodle)
Semester: Summer 2015
Class Location: Online and Conference calls
Class Meeting Days/Times: Every Thursday, 4:00PM-5:30PM
Instructor: Aklilu Gebrehiwot, DBA Candidate
Phone: 760-658-0241
Grade: 20% of total grade score

Topic: Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS)

I. Topic Rationale:

DBA students are expected to be part of the next leaders in a profit or non-profit making organizations, or will be the next teachers and researchers in higher educational institutions. Thus, it would
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Specific Learning Outcomes:

The students will, upon completion of this topic, demonstrate:
• The ability to identify, analyze and criticize existing market competition, and competitors in a market.
• Develop a blue ocean market using the tools necessary to create the BOS. Strategy canvas and the four action frame works are the tools necessary to create the blue ocean strategy.
• Understand how to develop the strategy canvas for existing competition, and a new strategy canvas for future use.
• Clearly identify the four action frame works necessary for the development of a strategy canvas.

D. Instructional Strategy

The instructional strategy will combine both online virtual and conference calls. To help easily understand the concepts and applications of the BOS, power point slides and a step – by – step instructions are prepared to assist the learning and teaching processes. DBA students will also be encouraged to prepare the BOS for profit and non-profit making organizations so as to understand the factors of competitions used in these different organizations. Presentations and discussions are also part of the instructional strategy.

E. Description of Course Requirements and Assessment
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It is each student’s responsibility to contribute to the discussions on the chapters assigned during the class weeks.

3. Critical Thinking and Technology-related Research Activities

The five weeks session will include critical thinking exercises and online research activities, designed to provide the students with the necessary skills and experience to understand usage of online resources and real world information as efficient research tools for business intelligence, data mining, and data ware house and to apply it in higher order thinking activities.

4. Assessment and grading

This topic is part of the Supervised-Teaching I course and it will account for 20% of the total grade.
• Students will prepare 3-5 pages of scripts about the blue ocean strategy (10%)
• Power point presentation and discussion (10%)


Class Meeting Topics Covered Assignment Due Date

Week I
- Definition and History of the Blue Ocean Strategy
- Reply to discussions and comments on Moodle, post one paragraph of your own.

Week II - Approaches of Blue Ocean Strategy
(a). Red Ocean Strategy
(b). Blue Ocean