Book Title: The Hunt for the Red October
Author: Tom Clancy Number of Pages: 387
The Book Assessment
Memory: What was the most memorable moment in the book for you? Why?
The planning had begun soon after the death of his Natalia. The rage he had almost unknowingly suppressed throughout his life had burst forth with a violence and passion that he had struggled to contain. A lifetime of self-control had enabled him to conceal it, and a lifetime of naval training had enabled him to choose a purpose worthy of it.
As a boy, Ramius sensed more than thought that Soviet Communism ignored a basic human need. In his teens, his misgivings began to take a coherent shape. The Good of the People was a laudable enough goal, but in denying a man’s soul, an enduring part of his being, Marxism stripped away the foundation of human dignity and individual value. It also cast aside the objective measure if justice and ethics which, he decided, was the principal legacy of religion to civilized life. From earliest adulthood on, Marko had had his own idea about right and wrong, an idea he did not share with the State.
He’d last seen his wife alive lying on a gurney, smiling as she was wheeled towards the operating room. The surgeon on call had arrived at the hospital had arrived late, and drunk, and allowed himself too much time breathing pure oxygen to sober up before starting the simple procedure of removing an inflamed appendix.
…cause in his clumsy haste to repair the damage…
…particular batch of medication had never been inspected or tested. And the cials had probablt been filled with distilled water instead
Considering the main events and frankly, the entire plot line is based off of this excerpt and the rest of the passage, the details is extremely important to knowing how the book works. By giving a vivid description of Ramius’ past and the trauma that occurred in that period, a person can see a reason behind the treachery.
This epilogue is the gold of this book, because of, first, it involves gold, second, it brings irony, and third, it shows who got the last laugh in a neat and tidy pair section. In the beginning of the epilogue, a slightly older, much more bored Chavez (or Ding) reading a newspaper with Clark at Rainbow Headquarters in Hereford. Now the former KGB agent reappears as rich, private man who had “randomly” discovered gold in his newly bought property. Now who did he get this money from? Brightling. And who is Brightling? An obsessive crazy environmentalist who also happens to be a billionaire. This is where the irony starts. If you put Popov in the place of Rainbow and the environmentalists in place of Brightling and his minions, you get a smaller version of the storyline of that occurred over the book, in which “Rainbow” wins over “Brightling.”
Now we go back to the gold. Popov had gotten it from the estate he had bought for a large sum of money. That he had gotten from working for Brightling. All of this shows the final winner is Popov, who had gotten rich off a horrible plot and had gotten off scot free. A great ending, if you ask me, which is why I loved this part of the book.
Cognition: What is the main plot line? What are the subplots, if any?
Marko Alexandrovich Ramius, a Lithuanian submarine commander in the Soviet Navy, intends to defect to the United States with his officers on board the experimental nuclear submarine Red October, a Typhoon-class vessel equipped with a revolutionary stealth propulsion system that makes audio detection extremely difficult. The result, immediately apparent to Jack Ryan and theJoint Chiefs of Staff, is a strategic weapon platform that is capable of sneaking its way into American waters and launching nuclear missiles with