Book Reports Essay example

Submitted By turquoisepeacock
Words: 482
Pages: 2

“The Mouse”

Every summer, we go up to my cabin in Fairview around mid-July. We go with my dad’s side of the family; my aunts and uncles, my cousins, and my Goma and Opa. That is what we call our grandma and grandpa because they do not like being called grandma and grandpa. My last name is German and Oma and Opa is German for grandma and grandpa. But when my oldest cousin was little he couldn’t say Oma and he would just say Goma and it has stuck through all 23 years. We usually go and spend a week up there. We take the dogs, horses, four-wheelers, razors, rangers, and the guns. We go on “long rides” that usually last us about three to four hours long. We go and find a trail and take all of the rangers, razors, and four- wheelers (they are all ATV vehicles). It had had a blast all week. Spending time with the family, riding horses, having fun on the ATV’s, and just relaxing. It was the night to leave and go home. So throughout the day we would gradually pack up and clean up. Me, my cousin Adrienne, and my other cousin Travis, were all waiting for my sister Lexi, my cousin Randi, and my other cousin Annie, to bring back the four-wheeler, razor, and ranger, so we could play a game of hid and seek on them. While we were waiting, my grandma and aunt Monica had us come downstairs and help them clean up the family room because we weren’t going to be spending any more time in the downstairs family room. Me and my two cousins, Adrienne and Travis, were downstairs siting on the couch talking because we had finished our