The story is about a young English catholic priest who is assigned his first parish in America. He has never been to Americas before, and the journey from his home to his new assignment is a fitting prelude to what will become a trying and adventurous life in America. Father Francis.
Francis barely makes it out of the airport and is greeted by the first of his several interesting friends; Father William or Bill, who speedily introduces him to American beer. It was going to become his constant companion in troubled times. During his first mass, he is introduced to the main seductress in the story, and thereafter the temptations start coming hard and fast. After his second mass, he is introduced to the main villain, and thereafter the troubles started coming thick and strong. His decision to defy both the seductress and the villain-who so happens to be the seductress husband- leads to an empty church, empty coffers, disapproval from the higher-ups and an alcohol problem. Just when he thinks everything has crumbled however, he gets into a weird accident and makes resourceful new …show more content…
The bringing to law of the bad guy is not dramatic enough and almost non-confrontational, which doesn’t go down well with me. I like going out with a bang and expected a major incident coupled with an animated dialogue, were Francis and co could rub in their victory. I also think the seductress is not appropriately dealt with as young Fancis’ fend -off efforts are rather weak for a Father. He should be able to stand up and tell her down- at least during the later encounters. I also spotted quit a few typos that didn’t help at all on the professionalism