Boston Massacre Causes

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Pages: 4

The Revolutionary War or the American Revolution, started when conflict arose from Great Britain and the thirteen colonies. The thirteen colonies wanted their independence from Great Britain. It all started when conflicts and tensions began to rise between the colonists and the British authorities. The British government attempted to: raise the taxes which this is called the Stamp Act, and the Tea act. There was another issue also called the Navigation Acts. The Navigation acts were rules that the Americans had to follow. Some of the rules were: every American good had to go through England first, Americans had to trade with british ships, and tobacco and sugar could only go to England. This made the Americans outraged. The American Parliament demanded the same rights that the British had. This led to violence and in 1770, British soldiers killed five men and several were wounded. This is called the Boston Massacre …show more content…
In response, George Washington of Virginia, John and Samuel Adams of Massachusetts, John Jay of New York, and Patrick Henry of Virginia responded and they all met up in Philadelphia in September 1774. This first Continental Congress tries to get independence from Great Britain, but they didn't go that far. They did denounce taxation without representation. Since the first time trying to get independence from Great Britain didn't work, The Continental Congress met again in May 1775 to try going further to getting the colonies independence, but it was too late because the first shots of the Revolutionary War were already fired at Lexington and Concord,