Brenda Lentz: A Short Story

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Pages: 6

I just want to walk out, but I can’t. As I am sitting in math class and not understanding a thing I just want to walk out and say “I’m going to Mrs. Lentz’ room. I can’t say that anymore. Instead I just stay in class and try to listen. I know that Mrs. Lentz would explain it in a way that I would understand but I can’t leave. As I am sitting here I think about all the times she helped me in life and I can’t help but smile.
Brenda Lentz I remember the first time that I heard that name. It was the end of November 2014. My mom was on the phone with the high school and talking to them about homeschooling me. It was a difficult time in my life and my mom said to me “Alison, Brenda Lentz is going to talk to you tomorrow at school.”
“I don’t want
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This was a big change from her tiny little room in the school office. She now took over the online classes and had many more people in her room at all times. It was hard to adjust at first, but after awhile I got used to it. I could always be myself around her. She is always so welcoming and loving.
In November of 2016 I made a bad choice and lost Brenda’s trust. My friend Annie and I decided to go sell a yearbook ad around town with Brenda’s permission to leave. We decided not to come back to school when we were done. Brenda was calling my cell phone and my mom’s phone trying to find out where we were. The next day we felt so bad we went in and apologized. Brenda pulled us out into skippers hallway and we had a little chat.
“Girls where did you go yesterday?”
“After we did yearbook stuff we decided just to go home and not come back to school.” I said.
“I am so upset and I want to let you know that you have lost my trust and it will take you time to get it back.”
*I started tearing up due to the fact that I hated Mrs. Lentz being upset with me and that I let her down*
“Now get to your classes and I'll call and let your teachers know where you were.”
Brenda let me stay in her room until I collected myself and stopped crying.I still feel guilty to this day about skipping school and putting Brenda in a horrible
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She reassured me that I am a strong person and can do anything I put my mind to. She told me that if I ever need anything that she is just a phone call away and that she will always be there to help me in anyway possible. She also talked to both of my parents without me there and put my mom to tears saying how well I am going to do and that she knows I can do it. My dad came up to me after he talked to Brenda and said that she gave him what he needed to let me go and knew that I would do well in college. Brenda told my dad that I am not the same person as I was from sophomore year and that yes, she has helped me along the way, but how I wanted to do better and I was the one that did the work and got my grades up. I graduated the next day with confidence. Brendas words gave me confidence and