CHS 202
October 7, 2014
Professor Rodriguez
Chapter 6 Exercise
Exercise 6-1 (3,5,8,10 & 12)
3.) The student in this conversation is asking for a B in the class while doing C work. The student tells the professor he needs a B in order to get into Berkeley and the professor answered with he should have come to him/her sooner to figure out how to get him to start doing B work not a week before the semester ended. The student was using the theory of wishful thinking. He did C average work and in the back of his mind he was wishfully thinking the professor would give in and give him a B just because that’s what he needs to get into Berkeley. He was also rationalizing and using that as procrastination on talking to the professor since he went to talk to the professor a week before the semester was over.
5.) Humans do have a herd instinct. Although that is just used for animals humans do this as well. Just like cows humans also stick to their herds for comfort, love, loyalty, support, company, and etc. Whether its family or friends humans do this even without thinking or analyzing that they do it, it is something we are used to doing. We also tend to follow what the herd does.
8.) I have a friend that like in number three always expects to get a higher grade then what deserved and only goes on thinking this with faith and wishful thinking. He does F type work and expects to get C’s even B’s sometimes. I believe he does this because he wants a B but is too lazy to do B type work and sets his grades on faith, even though his luck in faith has yet to roll around the corner. I have another friend that was one of my teammates who never went to practice always made excuses on the days we had to run hills with a heavy day of lifting and was expecting to throw as far as me or further. She was not practicing to do such thing therefore she was wishfully thinking and self-deceiving herself by letting herself think she would be able to pull it off without putting in the work that was needed. I too feel she was doing this because she was hoping and wanted to throw as far as me but again was too lazy to work hard enough to do so. I set high goals for myself all the time. A lot of the times I set goals for myself they are most likely always impossible and are just me wishfully thinking but I am different and I work hard and put in the work needed in order to eventually attain the goals I had set. Whether its in the classroom or outside of the class room. I have been slacking off due to big family loses and problems but I do think I can pick all my grades up high. People may say that’s wishful thinking but I’m a hard worker I put in the work to get things done.
10.) It may not be luck what this guy’s friends might be experiencing it might the fact that they are working in order to obtain whatever is needed from them. But if it is luck then the fact that he believes they will continue to have luck for the rest of their time is wishful thinking because luck is not always guaranteed. Even if it is always there for you it is never guaranteed for the