While the religious right movement may mistakenly seem to include all Christians, the real strength behind the movement comes from organized, well funded, Christian groups such as Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council, to name a few. Groups like these often intend to influence governmental parties, namely the Republican Party, to promote their own agenda and beliefs. On the other hand in the UK, while similar Christian political activist groups such as Christian Concern and the Christian Institute exist, they do not play as big a role in politics as do US groups. Furthermore, according to an article by the National Secular Society in the UK, “the evangelical Christian groups in this country have not managed to colonize a major political party to any great extent as they have the Republican Party in the USA”. Additionally the article explains that Christian activist groups in the UK are not nearly as well funded as their American counterparts and typically make little to no impact in the areas they lobby for (Sanderson). Not only do the US and the UK differ in how political support from religious groups is handled, the two also differ in terms of the historical context in which religion has affected politics. To many Americans the US historically has Christian roots, which is “a central animating element of the ideology of the Christian Right” (Clarkson, 1). With that said, being a younger nation with such a Christian backbone it’s not surprising that religious undertones have influenced US lawmakers when concerning moral hot topics. However on the other side of the Atlantic, while moral hot topics also exist, the UK has had its fair share of conflict where religion and