It was once said by the English book designer, Sir Francis Meynell that Bruce Rogers “was the greatest artificer (skilled craftsman) of the book who ever lived.” (Blumenthal,63) Rodgers was a master of the creation of beautiful books through his use type and design. His creation of the Centaur type was called a brilliant achievement by typographers and it is widely thought that Rogers was the best of the best of the designers of his time. In spite of all of this praise and honor, there is not much currently written about Bruce Rodgers. According Steven Heller in his article “The Rise of the Centaur” Rogers “popularity in part is what makes writing about his work today so difficult: Most of the existing sources date back to his …show more content…
Bruce Rogers was born in Lafayette, Indianan on May14,1870. “Some of his ancestors had come overland as pioneers from Virginia in the hazardous days of the Conestoga wagon; they were sportsmen and wilderness-breakers, and, like their descendants, they had no great affection for cities and no particular enthusiasm for continuous social contact with their fellow-men.” (Warde,6-7) This trait was passed on to Bruce Rodgers. An additional family trait that was passed to Rodgers, was his father’s talent for drawing and penmanship. This talent was recognized and encouraged. The following are two examples of his