3.coaching mentoring and communication are the great way to improve the individual competencies like the staff ‘general knowledge and practical skills and attitude towards work. Having training coaching and mentoring in the company will help employees to improve their skills and to understand better about the company’s policies and objectives .The improvement of the staff’s skill can make them become more confidence and put themselves to actively contribute to continuous improvement process and procedures. It is important to develop the coaching and mentoring relationship among the individuals just to make sure that the staff’s need and opinions are to be taken into account. this is one of the benefits of this system, they are always care about the individuals needs in that case they can provide the staff with good personalized help or support for the individuals .as the staff who feel supported or being care about are more motivated and are going to try their best on their work for the company. For the visual For writing: 1Use sight words on flashcards, or word shapes when learning new spelling words (as opposed to using phonetics 2.Show the learner how to “see” or “picture” a whole word in his mind as a method of recalling correct spelling. For reading 1Try a whole language approach to reading first. 2Use colour, shape, variety in font size and type, graphics – any visual means to present printed information in eye-catching ways. For math 1Illustrate math functions and concepts on the blackboard. 2Use rulers and number lines. For writing: auditory learner 1Use a phonics approach for learning new words and for spelling 2Encourage the use of computers for writing activities For reading: 1Make sure that photocopies are of good quality and there is ample use of white space, and comfortable size of font. 2Use double or triple spacing, if necessary, when preparing learning materials. For math 1Use rhythm or keep a beat (clicking fingers or clap, clap, stomp) when reciting multiplication tables 2Memorize math formula by putting it into a couplet or saying it with a beat. kinaesthetic Flash cards are portable and allow the learner to move around while reading and reviewing information.
Small discussion groups are helpful to explore a concept. Allow the learners to explain what they learned from the exercise. Be sure to debrief the groups at the end and provide feedback on both the process and concept discussed.
4a 1 Increased collaboration and the ability of continuous improve ;within the next 3 months establish a formal procedure for individuals and teams to share innovation and continuous improvement improvement of ideas with the rest of the organization,and to implement appropriate existing current and practical suggestions.2Communciate policies and procedures implement and establish clearly how things are done in the company , also report when where and what work has been completed. 2.Communciate policies and procedures implement and establish clearly how things are done in the company , also report when where and what work has been completed. how work performance and continuous improvement opportunities are able to be recorded.
4c Currently we have a software that will make some updatesso employees can easily use this sofaware will feature the entire database that employees need to do their jobs as well.As our sofeware can keep the records and print it out so we