Bud is a ten-year-old colored African American living in a foster home because his mom died when he was six. Bud found some flyers that had a man named Heman E. Calloway on it and he went looking for him thinking he was his father. Bud goes to a foster home called the Amos family with a twelve-year-old boy named Todd Amos. Todd was beating up Bud and was making it seem like Bud was beat up Todd. He finds Herman E. Calloway, finds out that he is his grandfather and they adopt him and give him a spot in the band. The story comes out as Bud finding a home and someone in his family. …show more content…
Louis. There are churches that feed meals and to the hungry so Bud could have gone to one of those and wouldn't have been hungry all the time. Bud could have gotten food from food drives at all kinds of places. Bud could have asked people to cook it for him. As Bud did in the story, Bud could have gotten food from missions as long as he made curfew. This is how bud could have not been hungry all the