What is school bullying? It is aggressive behavior that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power or strength. I have studied some of the reasons for this type of behavior and this is what I found out. After reading my report, you will have a better understanding of the problems and solutions to help the students. Often, it is repeated over time and can take many forms. One student or a group can bully another student or a group of students. Bystanders may participate or watch, sometimes out of fear of becoming the next victim. People that bully other people are the types of kids that enjoy putting other people down and that helps to make them feel better about themselves. People like that also feel insecure about themselves by putting others down. However, there is some research suggesting that a significant proportion of "normal" school children may not evaluate school-based violence (student-on-student victimization) as negatively or as being unacceptable as much as adults generally do, and may even derive enjoyment from it, and they may thus not see a reason to prevent it if it brings them joy on some level. (Kerbs)
As Kerbs has stated above, students that bully others, have problems relating to others. Maybe if someone would step in and help the student funnel his negative emotions, they might help bring a stop to school bullying. What causes kids to start to bully their friend at school? Researchers have documented that there are many different reasons for school bullying: Parental relationship, Bullies tend to come from families that are characterized as having little warmth or affection. These families also report trouble sharing their feelings and usually rate themselves as feeling less close to each other. Parent of bullies also tend to use inconsistent discipline and little monitoring of where their children are throughout the day. Sometimes, parents of bullies have very punitive and rigid discipline styles, with physical punishment being very common. Bullies also report less feelings of closeness to their siblings. School failure, bullies are usually not model students. Very often they are not doing well in school and do not have good connections with their teachers. Peer rejection, Researchers who are interested in how children form relationships with their peers have identified four categories that describe how children relate to peers, based on having children name children that they like as well as children that they don t like: Popular children are those that many children say they like, and few children say that they dislike. These children have developed positive social and communication skills. Controversial children are both actively liked and disliked by many of their peers. They tend to have good social skills, but also exhibit aggressive behavior. Class clowns often fit into this category. Rejected children are actively disliked by many of their peers and well liked by few of their peers. They show high rates of conflict, aggression, and immature play, and they have trouble taking the perspective of another person. They also have a hard time solving problems without resorting to violence. Rejected children are often prone to delinquency and dropping out of school later. Neglected children are seldom either liked or disliked by their peers. Although they are very shy, and may have low self-esteem, many neglected children do very well in school and are able to develop friends as they approach adolescence. Bullies come most often from the rejected category, but they sometimes are popular children as well. Victims can be selected from any category, although neglected children often are more likely to be victims. (DeHaan)
What do bullies do? They can bully in direct ways, such as: hitting, tripping, shoving, pinching, excessive tickling; verbal threats, name