Bully: Bullying and Different Types Essay

Submitted By kjohnson131
Words: 668
Pages: 3


What is a bully? A bully is someone who intimidates smaller or weaker people. Bullying is considered a firm of abuse and aggression. Bullying has become increasingly popular recently. Given the widespread of circumstances, there is zero tolerance for bullying. People may say that bullies are just ignorant kids, but bullies are truly criminals that kill people's self esteem and sometimes end lives. bullies. Bullying is something that everyone should be aware about. Bullying has got to stop now.

Goal Statement

The goal of my personal project is to raise awareness of bullying. Since bullying is such popular nowadays, I think I would be best to speak about and about, about this topic. Because unfortunately, bullying is getting out of control and completely out of hand.. Human ingenuity asked question such as, why do we create and what are the consequences. Why do we create bullying? What are the consequences of bullying?

Criterion B

My topic of bullying is becoming increasing popular lately. It is important to speak out on this topic because it. Is killing our community. The goal of my public service announcement is to raise awareness of bullying throughout the Lamar community. The goal of my personal project is to raise awareness of bullying. The area of interaction I chose was Approaches to learning. Approaches to learning are asking questions like, how do I learn best? How do I know? How do I communicate my understanding? I think my product ending was a success it is a very simple way of learning, but also it is very entertaining to watch. Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. 1 of 7 kids has been bullied. 56% of students have personally witnessed some type of bullying at school. 15% of all school absenteeism is directly related to fears of being bullied at school. Hitting teasing, shouldering name-calling repeated teasing.


How do I know?

How do I communicate my understanding?

How do I learn the best ?

Criterion C

One focus of area of interaction I was attempting to justify is approaches to learning. I was trying a different way of teaching other than reading or writing.

Stopbullying.gov- this website is important because I found many different facts about bullying.

Dosomething.org- this website is important because I found many different facts about bullying and taught me exactly what bullying is.

Cyberbullying.us- this website was helpful because it taught me about the different technologies people use to cyber bully.

Stampoutbully.co.uk/types- this website was helpful because it showed me the different types of bullying.

Collentonsd.org/site- is helpful because it taught me different statistics about