Bullying In America

Words: 847
Pages: 4

Madalyn Dunlap
English III
Spring research

A wise person once said, “If people are trying to bring you down, it only means that you are above them (unknown)”. Bullying is a very serious issue that occurs almost everywhere one could go, including on the internet. What people do not know is that bullying can really harm the victim. Bullying can come in the form of words or it can be physical contact. Bullying is a big problem in today’s society and it needs to be stopped. Teenagers and children should not bully because it causes mental, physical, and emotional harm to the victim. Everyday in America, citizens talk about how bullying affects people daily and how bad it can be. First of all, bullying causes mental harm to the victim. If a person
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If the victim has been bullied for such a long period of time they may feel hopeless which can cause them to turn to suicide in physical ways. They might feel as if there is no other way out and they just turn to the worst. Also, if the victim is hit physically they could get really hurt depending on how hard they were hit. This could lead to any type of physical damage, a broken arm, scratches, or even brain damage. The physical damage from either of these can land someone in the hospital or even worse death. Also, the bullying may lead to a type of physical damage called self-harm. This is done intentionally and is used to escape from the realities of the world; it is an alternative to dealing with pain. It is a way to commit suicide quietly. “Mental health experts encourage schools and others to look for suicide warning signs. These signs include discussion of dying, hurting oneself, or disappearing; changes in personality such as becoming anxious, tired or withdrawn; a recent traumatic loss such as divorce, broken friendship, or a death; changes in behavior, eating habits, or sleep patterns; expression of shame, guilt, or worthlessness; and a belief that things will not get better in time.” This is how people could notice if someone is self harming. If a person’s weight is changing, this could be because they are avoiding eating and are not obtaining the needed nutrients to support living. They can also be purging everything they eat also. This can affect their physical appearance by making them lose a lot of weight at one time which can lead to physical damages inside the body. If they are purging, it can affect the physical appearance of body part such as the