Bumble Bee Research Paper

Words: 189
Pages: 1

one day while walking in the woods I found a bumble bee as big as a pony ,and I decided to keep it as a pet.I hear something flying in the woods so I went to check it out ,and I saw a bumble bee ,I hear the bumble bee sing a song ,then I step on a branch ,then the bumble bee stopped sing and turn around.

The bumble bee said why are you following me ,and I said yes I'm following you because I heard you sing a song ,so I decided to follow you.I said “you want to be my friend” ,and the bumble bee said “yes”.Then we went to go get Dylan then we went to my secret cave.

The cave had christmas lights on the wall ,and on the ceiling ,and on the roof.In side the cave has skate boards ,and a skate board park.Then I saw dj stuff in the