Ø As per Wikipedia Encyclopedia - A psychological term for a syndrome characterized by long term exhaustion and diminished interest, especially in one’s career
In this study Burnout refer to a psychological, emotional condition due to overworked or prolonged stress.
Coping strategies – As per Wikipedia Encyclopedia “
“These are the strategies in which psychologically healthy people develop relationships. It involves compromise. In order to move with, there must be communication, agreement, disagreement, compromise, and decision”
In this …show more content…
CCUs contain resuscitation and monitoring equipment and are staffed by personnel speciality by personnel specially trained and skilled in recognizing and immediately responding to a cardiac and another emergency.
In this study critical care unit is highly equipped, well-organized unit to deal with any kind of emergency. The area designed for the treatment of patients with sudden life – threatening conditions.
Scope of the study The study of Burnout & coping strategies adapted by nurses in critical care unit will:
Ø Help the management to consider each employee generational difference of values, belief & opinion that influence his/her work ethics in regards to employee productivity.
Ø Allow the healthcare professional to express emotions & concern without an inappropriate reaction by adapting positive coping strategies.
Ø Help change the attitude and outlook of the nurses.
Ø Create a sense of responsibility in the nurses towards the job responsibilities.
Ø Help in planning for better quality care for their …show more content…
Ø Objective and purpose of the study will be given to the authority.
Ø The researchers adhered in conformity with the congeniality provision about the taking part Hospital
Ø The nature of the study will be basically descriptive with the surveys. No experimentation or intervention takes places.
Ø An informed consent will be given to all participants who will attach to the surveys they received.
Ø The informed consent, the purpose of the study and their right will be notified to all participants, as well as all ethical consideration taken by the researchers.
Conceptual Framework
A framework for a research study helps to organize the study and provides a context for the interpretation of the study finding. Framework provides the background or foundation for the study conceptual framework helps to explain the relationship between concepts. The conceptual framework formalizes the thinking process so that others may lead & know the frame of references and base the research problem. The conceptual framework also enlightens the investigator relevant question on phenomena under