Stakeholders who influence the purpose of the BBC and ITV {P2}
Stake holder of the BBC Stakeholders of ITV
They want a BBC to produce high quality, value for money services. Customers often identify with the brands they buy. They like to see improvements in the programmes they watch on BBC that give them better value for money. Customers
They want an ITV to produce high quality, value for money services. Customers often identify with the brands they buy. They like to see improvements in the programmes they watch on ITV that give them better value for money. Advertisers are also customers to ITV so they want the company to advertise during programmes which are watched by the majority of the people like x factor, although they are charges large amounts of money for that they will expect the company to advertise those goods or services so they will get customers. The type of advertisers of ITV are talk talk.
Their stake is that the company provides them with a livelihood. They seek security of employment, promotion opportunities and good rates of reward. They may also want to work for a company that they are proud of. Some of the BBC employees are being made redundant because they are moving to Manchester so some employees have families so they can’t move with the company. Employees
Their stake is that the company provides them with a livelihood. They seek security of employment, promotion opportunities and good rates of reward. They may also want to work for a company that they are proud of.
They want steady orders and prompt payment. They also want to feel valued by the company that they supply. Suppliers
They want steady orders and prompt payment. They also want to feel valued by the company that they supply. Like the people who supply machinery, stationery, and equipment for the organisation.
Owners are thought to be the most important stakeholders because they might have put a good part of their life into setting up a business. They see themselves as being the principal risk takers. Owner like to see their share of profit increasing, and the value of their business rising, in the BBC which is owned by the government, the profit they make will go to paying other government branches and sectors and the BBC don’t really aim to make a profit because it is a government organisation. Owners
Owners are thought to be the most important stakeholders because they might have put a good part of their life into setting up a business. They see themselves as being the principal risk takers. Owner like to see their share of profit increasing, and the value of their business rising, in the BBC which is owned by the government, the profit they make will go to paying other government branches and sectors and the BBC don’t really aim to make a profit because it is a government organisation. For ITV the owners would want the business to make as much profit as possible to improve their programming and beat the competition.
Pressure groups
Pressure groups can be like the environmental groups in the area where the BBC operates. They expect the BBC to support the area by reducing their carbon footprints, that will include not driving in the compound and do things which are friendlier to the environment. Pressure groups
Pressure groups can be like the