MODULE TITLE: Design in Marketing
LECTURER: Charlotte Carey
ISSUE DATE: 24th September 2012
HAND BACK DATE: 20 working days from submission
Learning outcomes and pass attainment level: * Be able to provide a coherent response to ‘what is Design in Marketing?’ within the word count. Providing links to theory (and references) and examples to illustrate points made. * Provide an in-depth (i.e. all areas discussed within classes are covered) analysis/audit of a given brand from a design perspective. * Provide a critique, which evidences your understanding of design principles in relation to a piece of design as directed. * Evidence your own design skills. Provide a thorough exploration of design options and process you have gone through for a given brand with regards to creating a new logo and identity for them. Evidence your use of design principles, colour, shapes, typography etc. |
Design in Marketing Assessment
The assessment for this module is based on a four-part portfolio
1. Write a 1000 word report based on your understanding of ‘What is Design in Marketing’ give specific examples of where design can be found and used in Marketing. You will be expected to evidence that you have read around this subject in terms of referencing the sources of data, which you have used. (25%)
2. Brand audit: carryout an in-depth audit of ‘Vans shoes’. How do you feel they use Design and how you feel Design affects them from a marketing perspective? Consider all the different types of design that have been discussed in class. You will be expected to produce evidence of your thinking as well as what you have discovered this might be in the form of a mind map or a table or a written critique include in this document photographs, printouts etc. to illustrate where you’ve found design in marketing in the brand. This should be an