October 6, 2013
Teodora Cupes
Business Structure
This business is an Accounting firm servicing clients of all sizes, from the average citizen in the community requiring tax assistance or other financial organization needs, to small businesses as well as large corporations. This company is a moderately-sized limited liability company which utilizes the market structure. This structure will group clients into divisions and assign employees to work those divisions. There will be three divisions: corporation accounts, small business accounts, and consumer accounts. This organizational structure seems to be the most efficient structure for this type of business. Rather than employees managing multiple types of accounts, processes run much smoother with one type of account to manage; therefore, one division will only maintain large corporation accounts, the second division will only maintain small business accounts, and the third division will only maintain consumer accounts for the average citizen needing assistance with their finances.
The business model selected for this company is managed by exception. All division members are expected to maintain their customer’s accounts with honesty and integrity, providing accurate and timely financial services. At the same time, employees are expected to provide excellent service to the client through working to meet unexpressed needs. The basic rule for this company is to treat each client as if they were our most important client, and treat their finances as though they were our own. Each division will have an assigned manager to oversee the processes of the division to ensure tasks are completed in a timely fashion. As long as deadlines are met to maintain client satisfaction, employees will have a great deal of autonomy. If however, expectations are not met then managers will step in to take corrective action. This model was selected because accountants are generally able to function reliably with very little supervision. Employees should feel trusted to complete their jobs without babysitting by upper management. Of course, too much freedom presents opportunity for theft so there needs to be a balance between manager involvements, to ensure no unscrupulous activities are occurring, and employee freedom. One solution for this is to have the managers perform random audits of the accounts.
Meeting unexpressed needs involves looking for ways