BWVW 101: Affirming A Biblical Worldview
(Fall Semester 2014 -- 1 Credit Hour)
Professor: Dr. Lew A. Weider Phone: 434-582-2325
Office: Green Hall (GH) room 1880 Hours: 8:00am-4:30pm E-mail:
Course Description
This course is designed to aid the student in the development of a biblical worldview. This will involve an introduction to critical thinking, an evaluation of contemporary moral philosophies, and an affirmation of absolute truth. Students will be challenged to integrate a biblical worldview into their Christian/Community Service.
Since each student has been influenced by various cultural, religious and family values and morals, and often holds to personal opinions regarding these matters that have never been seriously considered, they must be challenged to articulate and validate their personal worldview. Students must clearly define what they believe and defend why they believe it, rather than just mimic what they have heard from parents, teachers, pastors and peers. Further, students must learn to critically reflect on the many viewpoints society offers, learn how to effectively communicate the Christian worldview in a multicultural society, and develop a consistently biblical approach to viewing and living their lives.
Because BWVW 101 is required for all incoming students, there are no prerequisites.
Materials List
A printed workbook is required for this class and will need to be purchased from the bookstore (Biblical Worldview 1: Affirming a Biblical Worldview – Dr. Lew A. Weider). All reading assignments will be web-based or posted on Blackboard.
ResponseCard NXT Clickers (purchased directly from the Liberty University Bookstore)
Computer with Internet access. Students will be expected to keep up with the schedule via this site (i.e., Blackboard). Also, some assignments may involve direct use of the Internet outside of class. Every Liberty University student has a computer account and if needed may use the available computers located in the Jerry Falwell Library.
The Bible should be brought to class regularly as it will be frequently referenced and serve as the basis for in-class discussions.
3x5 index cards to be used for various purposes throughout the semester.
#2 pencils for tests and other evaluation purposes.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. The student will be able to identify logical fallacies commonly used in argumentation.
2. The student will be able to articulate a biblical worldview.
3. The student will be able to identity a biblical approach to ethics.
4. The student will be able to recognize key people and principles of major contemporary moral philosophies and religious worldviews that have shaped modern society.
General Education Core Competency Learning Outcomes
Worldview Core Competency
1. The student will be able to define worldview as a concept.
2. The student will be able to identify the components of a biblical/Christian worldview.
3. The student will be able to know the difference between biblical and non-biblical worldviews.
Reasoning-Critical Thinking Core Competency
4. The student will be able to recognize flaws and logical inconsistencies in an argument.
This will be accomplished by:
a. Lectures & class discussions.
b. Quizzes. Questions may be taken from class lectures, discussions and/or assigned readings.
c. Special assignments.
d. Three tests (exams).
1. Worldview Assignment Part 1 – (Instructions will be posted under “assignments” in Blackboard).
2. Worldview Assignment Part 2 – Students will type and submit a written assignment which includes an articulation of a biblical worldview (instructions will be posted under “assignments” in Blackboard).
Grading Policy
The final grade will be computed as follows based on a 1000 point scale:
450 points (15 quizzes worth 30 points each)
*Quizzes – May include: Syllabus Content, Reading Assignments, Course Notes, Unannounced Attendance