Bystander Intervention In The Military

Words: 534
Pages: 3

The purpose of this essay is to explain the actions that I will take to eliminate behaviors such as sexual harassment and assault in my squad. I will do this by ensuring that Soldiers understand the severity of sexual harassment and assault, educating my fellow Soldiers and subordinates of bystander intervention, and by preventing my team from becoming a hostile environment. To begin, I will make sure that those to my left and right understand the severity of sexual harassment and assault. Sexual harassment and sexual assault can destroy cohesion within the formations of the Army, as demonstrated further in this quote: “These Service members have been violated within a small community by someone who should be ultimately trustworthy and this violation is completely incompatible with the independent and self-sufficient spirit Service members need to thrive in the military.” (1) …show more content…
Bystander intervention is when a third-party witnesses a sexual assault or sexual harassment taking place, and actively puts a stop to it. Studies show that bystander intervention is effective in reducing the number of sexual harassment and assault cases. The Army’s Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Program recognizes this and makes an effort to create an environment where bystander intervention is encouraged. The SHARP program also lists some ways that bystanders can intervene effectively using the three Ds, which are explained in the following quote: “Direct: Address the perpetrator; remove people from the situation. Distract: Change the subject; ask someone to do something; mention that someone is coming. Delegate: Arrange for someone to intervene or take people out of the situation.” (2) These methods show that there are ways for bystanders to intervene, even if they are not comfortable addressing the situation directly to the perpetrator. Furthermore, I will prevent my squad from becoming