C768 Technical Communication Task 1

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Pages: 6

C768 Technical Communication Task 1

A. Audience Analysis
Professional communication is an integral part of business and life. It is important to understand and identify your audience to effectively deliver a message. An audience analysis should be performed not only to identify the audience but to adapt your presentation to their interests, level of understanding, beliefs and attitude. A well-prepared analysis will guide the speaker resonate with the audience.

Audience 1
Familiarity: The target audience in the International conference consist of professionals with a wide range of technical proficiency from Novice to Intermediate and all the way to Expert. The presentation should comprise of brief detail and explanations that are more industry
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The webinar will have the option to be formatted in the language that is most broadly utilized in the area it is being presented. The webinar will be clear and concise. A heavy use of visual aids such as images and videos about the topic will be embedded into the presentation so that it appeals to a wider range of audience.

Demographics: Participants of the webinar are comprised of different races, both male and female, the age range could be in the early twenties to late thirties. They will originate from different parts of world but mostly concentrated from an area with a more established Internet Service Provider. Because of a wide variety of attendees, certain topics should be avoided and keep the talking points to be more generic. However, the topic should be expansive and applicable in a variety of settings.

Audience 3
Familiarity: This group comprises of employees from the same department as myself, so the technical ability will be expert level. Therefore, the presentation will include a step by step detailed instructions of the implementation. I will ensure that my definitions are concise and maintain a consistent focus on the objectives. Advanced principles of the implementation and technical jargon will be understood by this group, as they are the subject matter expert in the
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The group will consist of different type of backgrounds and some will be unknown. I will scan the company directory or ask other colleagues to have some insight on the personnel that will be in attendance. Gaining knowledge of the personnel role and background will allow you to adjust your strategy as some will have a specific role and have different point of view about the implementation. It will be best to keep the presentation professional using flow charts and diagrams and completely avoid any reference of social preference and