Bradley has conducted studies and surveys in regard to see how much of the business is conducted by LGBT patrons, which would be considered as competitive advantage. He discovered that 15% of the bar’s current customers are LGBT, and that overall the Straun community is approximately 10% LBGT. Furthermore, Bradley understands opportunities for differentiation, which can set the Fork and Dagger Pub apart from the rest, with its current LGBT crowd, and the fact that currently no bar or pub focuses on this demographic of clientele in Straun, Ontario. As well as that, Bradley also learned that his current LGBT regulars at the Fork and Dagger Pub pay on average 10% more for foods on and drinks. Hoping to direct the bar’s attention at the homosexual demographic, Bradley believes this will regain the Fork and Dagger Pub’s regular crowd and have more revenue coming in on a regular basis. Both Jason & Bradley’s proposals have good ideas that can benefit the Pub, but both also have weaknesses that could cost the business. Jason’s plan though logically sound, has a lot of expensive investments and expensive renovations. Since the bar has had such a hard decline in revenue, it may not be the best plan to invest so much money so quick, at least not until profits pick up a bit and they are no longer losing money year per year. Not to mention all the investments Jason wants to make is not