Kidney Disease is often a silent, slow, and deadly killer (Conrad). Kidney disease can happen when the kidneys are damaged and cannot function properly. Many different illnesses and ailments can cause damage to our organs. When damage occurs, over time it will create a decline in kidney functions (Conrad). Chronic Kidney Disease or End Stage Renal Failure is a decrease in the kidney’s ability to filter waste from the body efficiently, through the bloodstream all the while the functions are also to reabsorb the excellent and vital essential substances to distribute out to our vital organs to keep us healthy (Conrad). Kidneys Filter out the proper nutrients for our body and …show more content…
Genetic disease and can't be changed due to any lifestyle modifications for CKD. Some other examples of factors affecting the kidneys or patterns of kidney disease include kidney stones and damage in the process of passing kidney stones (Mayo Clinic Staff).
Having a family history and inherited genetically many forms of kidney stones is another risk factor that can't be changed. Kidney stones form if your body makes too much of something it can't excrete or breakdown in the kidneys, stones will pile and develop in the organs. When they pass it can damage the tubes of the kidneys leading to CKD or ESRD (Conrad).
There are five main tips to help in the prevention of kidney disease and manage some of the risk factors: First, it's important to consider your lifestyle habits. Following a healthy diet and exercising on a regular basis is an essential element of kidney disease prevention. Next, maintaining a healthy blood pressure or taking all medications to lower high blood pressure is another lifestyle change one can make to reduce the risk of developing CKD …show more content…
Weight loss can help combat this (National Institutes of Health). Be alert when taking medications: Prescription and over-the-counter medicines, including vitamins, prescribed drugs from a doctor, or pain medications over the counter such as Aleve, are filtered by the kidneys (American Association for Clinical Chemistry AACC). Sometimes, the prescriptions you take can be hard for the organs and reduce function (Davis).
Essentially, this means that your kidneys break down and remove these medications from the body and can't always filter the toxins out as well as it should. Therefore, read the labels on the medicines you take regardless if prescribed or obtained over the counter. Carefully asses the risks and benefits of taking a medication and always talk to your doctor about the effects a specific drug or vitamin can have on your kidneys long-term (Renadyl).
Excessive use of drugs that can harm the kidneys such as ibuprofen and naproxen, their use should be discontinued whenever another option is available for a patient to take instead. Smoking cigarettes can worsen CKD- kidney disease and other diseases that are also harmful to the kidneys as previously shown in those with diabetes and high blood pressure