D2. For children aged under 5 years, private settings are available, ‘these are profit making services, they will have an owner or be run by a company’ (Tassoni, 2007, page 3). An example of a private setting is a crèche. These settings are usually open for periods of time, to allow parents to do leisure activities or attend classes. Crèches care for children usually only for about 2 hours per session. Another type of setting that is provided for children aged 5-7 years old are out-of-school clubs. These types of setting are often voluntary settings, for example J.A.M (Jesus and me) club, which is provided by funding and donations from the church. Most funding for these types of settings are mainly from public donations. Out- of-school clubs may include breakfast clubs, after school clubs and holiday clubs. Breakfast clubs are provided before school times usually opening at 8am. After school clubs collect the children from school setting and stay open until 6pm. During holiday times, care would be provided throughout the day.
D3. When the dental health officer for Bridgend visited us, she told us that she helped to prevent decay in children’s teeth. She showed us pictures and explained to us what happens to children’s teeth when they have a poor diet. She explained that all sugars can cause decay and how brushing with fluoride can help prevent decay. The dental officer told us why it is important to brush a child’s teeth and that sugar filled foods and drinks should be kept to a minimum and kept to meal times only. A free flow cup should be introduced at 6 months old and the bottle should be removed completely by the age of 1 as this can contribute to dental decay. She also told us why it is important not to wash the fluoride toothpaste off a child’s teeth as fluoride helps to strengthen teeth and helps to remove plaque. The designed to smile programme is in schools and nurseries in Wales to promote tooth brushing and good oral health.
D4. Anyone working with children should be able to access the confidentiality policy of the setting, this should be regularly updated. The practitioner should be fully aware and understanding of the procedures, rules and policy of the setting regarding confidentiality. Information gathered about the children should be kept in a locked cupboard with only authorised people having access to them. If the information is kept on a computer or hard drive then it should be protected with passwords and again only authorised people having access. Most confidentiality records state that- Parents are allowed to access files and records kept in the setting about that child, but not any other child, staff are not allowed to discuss individuals with people other than parents or carers of that child, information given by parents to the nursery with stay confidential and will not be passed