In order to convey pivotal moments of friendship within the story, Caitlin Horrocks includes a line in which Hanna and the narrator are playing in 5th grade talking about their imagination, the moment they created Zolaria. "We are so beset by dangers we make ourselves rulers over them, and by July we are the princesses of an undiscovered kingdom. We …show more content…
We are too old for these games, too big for this much imagination," (Horrocks 471). In this piece of evidence, Hanna and the narrator play in school with their imagination, creating places for dragons and other fictional pieces contributing to their overall creation of Zolaria. This piece of text highlights the first pivotal moment of Hanna and the narrator, seen together interacting. Through this pivotal moment, was the author able to emphasize the importance of the start of their friendship being influenced later throughout the story? Horrocks additionally contributes to the idea of change by including the following line wherein school Hanna shoves an overflowing amount of sticky notes saying “I hate you”. " the year Hanna will slip a note between the vents of my locker that reads, “I Hate You,” over and over, filling an entire notebook page, I will be 5’2” and as tall as I will ever grow." Horrocks - a.k.a. Horrocks 472. Although this specific piece of evidence is stated prior to its actual event, it conveys a pivotal moment because of how it changes the friendship between the two in the story. This change eventually takes a toll on Hanna and ends their friendship altogether,