First,is that justice is teleological. Which is the purpose, goal, end or essential nature of the socialpractice in a question. The second one that he uses is that Justice is honorific. This is to reasonor argue with the telos. Knowing these two terms, what would Aristotle say about Callie? Hewould want to know the purpose, goal, end or essential nature and then he would decide ifCallie deserves to be on the cheer team.For the most part, I agree with Aristotle. I agree that people should get what theydeserve. For example, being a student, the best students that work the hardest should get thebest grades. There are students that are able to naturally learn things quickly and don’t have toapply themselves as much but still receive good grades. Meanwhile, other students will spendcountless hours applying themselves and reap the same reward. The question is fairness; dothey deserve that grade if they aren’t studying very