Calpurnia As A Mentor In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Pages: 11

What is stopping parents from deserting their children at a young age? Countless animal species have this custom, and they seem to be surviving just fine. As humans, parents usually do not abandon their children at their most vulnerable stage in life because they have a responsibility to guide their children through life out of love, and they feel the need to do so as their biological mentor. Not to mention, there is a likely chance that you would’ve died if your parents left you as a baby, and our society needs you to grow and advance. Parents share wisdom, and experiences, teach lessons, and guide their kids during their journey through life. While parents are the most common form of a mentor in society, this role can take on various roles, …show more content…
Another example of a trusted mentor who earned their trust and peace is Calpurnia from To Kill A Mockingbird. This mentor helped guide two children to develop positive beliefs in the 1930s when racism was a societal norm. Calpurnia’s role as a mentor was impactful because she was tasked with taking care of the children, Scout and Jem, while their father was busy fighting racial injustices. Then, she went the extra mile to help the children make sense of a problem that was very prominent at the time. This sparked the children’s interest in solving the issue of racism in their society. Over time, the archetypal character of a mentor changes because of the ways they have to help others find their individual power. From these examples, we can learn that mentors become trusted people in society because of the good things they have done for others, out of good intentions, and how they sacrifice a personal triumph to help someone else who is worthy of success. Mentors may seem like people who know everything and are looking for someone to solve a problem, but their true purpose is to help you find the power within yourself to change the