Camelot Vs Jfk Research Paper

Words: 669
Pages: 3

The fictional kingdom of Camelot often brings to mind the presidency of John F. Kennedy for Americans. The two topics hold various similarities that have maintained the comparison over time. This essay will discuss the similarities between the two. The first similarity between Camelot and the presidency of JFK features the mentors supporting the leaders, King Arthur and JFK, rather than the leaders themselves. Neither man could uphold the legacy of himself. Though naturally at the forefront, both King Arthur and JFK relied upon the help of a close advisor. King Arthur relied on the wizard Merlin, who had a significant impact on his life, to advise him. When choosing a wife, King Arthur approached his confidant for advice. “It befell upon a certain day, that King …show more content…
These knights, no matter where they came from, came together in service of King Arthur. ( https://www. book 3, chapters 1-2) Likewise, President Kennedy also brought together various people into a union to go and serve others in a union he called the Peace Corps. The purpose and thought behind it was to counter the Soviet’s spread of communism by sending people out through the world and to “...involve Americans more actively in the cause of global democracy, peace, development, and freedom.” ( Americans with various skills were sent out to serve abroad. Like the knights of the round table, different people from varying places and skills came together with the mission to serve. Finally, the last similarity discussed in this essay is one much darker than the previous two. Tragically, both King Arthur and President John F. Kennedy were killed. King Arthur was slain while engaged in a battle with his son, Mordred. Mordred attempted to seize control of Arthur’s kingdom. Arthur fought back to his