Camila's Alternate Ending

Words: 466
Pages: 2

“What are you doing here?.” Asked a teen that goes by the name of Sydney.
“Same thing you are, i’m looking at the stars.” A beautiful young lady named Camila explained “Well who knows you could be looking for something.” In fact Camila was looking for something, something she didn’t want but it was something she needed
“Hi i’m Sydney.”
“Camila.” Camila didn't want to share her name, but she felt like she had to. They were in the middle of town square, and that made Sydney feel uncomfortable, town square on one of these nights held about 100 people especially tonight the stars were brighter than the sun.
“This got awkward fast so i’m gonna go, it was nice to meet you Camila.”
Camila replied with a fake smile but that didn’t seem to bother