Rodgers’s encounters with almost every child he saw. This is because Mr. Rogers would take a knee to talk to every child, and he would stop and converse with every adult as well. It was never just a casual conversation, Mr. Rogers was “astonished” as Junod would say, by everything. He would truly care and try to relate to every person he talked to on a personal level. That astonishment that he possessed, is what most children possess until they grow up. Also as the author continues his incredible description of Rogers, he can really make a great argument for him. One argument is that, you only think that you know Mr. Rogers. Junod stomps out this argument by describing his strict schedule that includes waking up at five in the morning to read, write, swim, and pray for those who ask for his prayers. Yes Mr. Rogers seems like the type of guy to be very nice to people outside of his show, but just from watching his show, you would never understand the true compassion that he has for everyone until you met him, or read this